Why am I finding this so hard? I'm a perfectionist at heart, and always find it way easier to see all the things that aren't working, and the things that need improving, editing, changing, moving, cleaning and fixing.
So I've let the question sit at the back of my mind for the last few days, and I've tried not to stress about finding the right answers.
Here's what I've come up with, and it's been a bit of a surprise for me...

2. There was the transition for him to his own bed too... another HUGE milestone that he decided would be achieved when he turned 4. And he did it!
3. The BIG move for my partner was and continues to be a success for all of us... he moved here from interstate to start a new life here with us after a 12 month long distance relationship... HUGE transition and changes for all of us in all areas of our lives, but truly the best thing we could have done.

5. I've reinvented & rediscovered my "Precious Gorgeous" creativity... registered the business name, and I'm getting a bit more serious.
6. I did a couple of great workshops early last year with Soli of "Journal Junky". In particular the Vision Board Workshop was fabulous... it really helped me define what I was working towards.... I think I might need to make another one for this year.
I'm sure there must be more, but I'm happy with this list for now!
Fantastic katrina!I love how many people found the process / question hard and then found they had so many wonderful things to reflect on.
I have a favour to ask now - since you did a whole workshop on vision boards would you like to do a guest post for the blog the week we do vision boards and talk about your process, any tips you have, how your past one helped or any issues you found etc (it will be the challenge for week #5 or 6 as I am still playing with the order. Email me via the blog if you are interested and we can chat.
Yay! Katrina!! I am soo surprised that you left meeting me out of your 2011 achievements LOL hahahahaha!!! You have been a true inspiration to me and I will follow your blog with much interest and admiration. You are so right!... decluttering can really help ones soul to 'breath' again xoxox <3
LOL Hazel! If I'd got to number 7 I'm sure you would have featured right there! I'm loving your blog too Hazel! xx
Deb, I'll contact you through FB... I have been toying with the whole documenting the process after others had asked me to share last year... I got stuck in the tricky quagmire of what was Soli's 'intellectual property', and what was free to share... I will certainly work something out though! xx
Congrats on all your success and the freedom you have found in the process it sounds fantastic!
ps loved the quote you used at the end!
Thanks Lyndal... it's an ongoing process, but I'm finding out all sorts of things about myself (and others) in the process! xx
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