Friday, 21 October 2011


"Om" is the shortest mantra... it is said that it's the "sound of creation"...

My "OM" has just been transformed with a few layers of gold spray paint. Not all that creative or exciting, but it was a job that I had put off for a few years. It was "unfinished business". The letters & the spray paint cans were hidden away in a basket high on top of a bookcase. I unearthed them at Easter time when I needed a basket for TJ to use for his egg hunt. From that moment on they once again became an irritation every time I saw them. A constant reminder of why they were in the "repair" basket.

Originally the wooden letters had also been sprayed gold, and I had them displayed on the kitchen wall in my rented house.  I was newly single, was loving life in my own space, doing a LOT of "work" on myself... reflexology, yoga lessons twice a week, meditation, acupuncture, walking, reading, massage, homeopathy, iridology... I was trying everything I could to find that "inner peace"... to heal from a relationship breakdown, from the grief of pregnancy losses, from a long term insidious mystery illness...

To me "om" signified my yoga practise and my inner work, and was a reminder to breathe and re-focus through some difficult times. And then along came a new relationship.

At some point my new "partner" decided that it was humorous to take to my "OM" with a red permanent texta and colour in the top of the "O" so that it looked like a "U"... now on the surface this might appear to be a little funny... I think I probably saw some humour in it at the time even. But as time went on, that act of vandalism became a symbol of his disrespect for me, my belongings, my beliefs, my friends, my family. And in hindsight perhaps I should have taken it as a warning about the future of the relationship. Hindsight is a very funny creature.

So now the letters have been re-sprayed shiny & new. They are a little wonky and chipped & worn out in places, but the red texta is no more... and while the memory of the incident is still there... it no longer has the energy or power to upset me!

Unfinished business is finished!


LimitlessLiving said...

Lovely story! Just need to know if the vandal is still in the relationship or also been obscred??? The Om is one of my favourite chants so lovely that you have it on your wall again. i might have to go on a hunt for one too!

Katrina said...

LOL Limitless Living... he's in a relationship now I think (well last time I heard), but not with me. He's the father of my little boy, so I still have some contact with him. He hasn't really changed... maybe I haven't either... sometimes I think that some people just bring out the worst "stuff" in each other.

Kathy said...

It IS a lovely story , Katrina .....I am SO pleased you have restored your 'OM' :) X