It's a fantasy because can you imagine how awesome that would be? That kids would have to talk to their grandparents and great grandparents to learn about what 'war' actually was.
I understand that it's all about commemorating, not celebrating, but I just wish we were celebrating the fact that there WAS NO WAR!
I can't help but think of the families who still have loved ones deployed in places like Afghanistan. This week I saw photos of a customer's 19 year old grandson who still has months of his tour left. 19! 19!!!! He's still a baby, and he's over there wandering dirt roads with a metal detector searching for land mines. I had a hard time keeping the tears from my eyes...
Do we consider the stress and worry for the family and friends here? Do we think about the post traumatic stress disorder that our returning troops suffer, sometimes for the rest of their lives? Do we question the secrecy around what they are subjected to, the atrocities that they witness and are part of, and the way that they often can't share any of that with the people who care about them. It's crazy.

Real people... real children. Real bodies and souls, not just pictures on the television news.
How amazing would it be to live on an Earth where the NEED and DESIRE for war didn't even exist!? If we were all operating from a place of love, empathy, compassion, tolerance and acceptance instead of greed, fear, hatred, fanaticism, power and ego, how incredibly productive and peaceful would our world be?!