For those of you who might not have seen my "Sorting Boxes" before, here's a photo of them. My categories were; Charity, Keep but Re-locate, Decide Later, Repairs, Garage Sale/eBay, and Rubbish, but you can make up your own categories to suit what you plan to do with your clutter.

It's been an ongoing process for me as I sift through the stuff that has gathered and accumulated around the house in piles... and as I've discovered little treasures buried deep in boxes from when I moved here in a big hurry about 5 years ago with a small baby and haven't had the energy or motivation to look at before.
The beauty of the Sorting Box method is that you can quickly make some decisions about what to do with the clutter that you are clearing... it means that you don't get distracted from the task by wandering around the house putting things away. You can even have a box labelled "DECIDE LATER" for those things that you are unsure about, which really speeds up the whole process.
The tricky bit is making sure that you eventually go back to those boxes and actually DO something with the stuff that you've sorted. If it's going to charity, make sure you load up the car and actually do the trip to the charity store fairly quickly... otherwise you'll have a clutter filled car as well!

I found it on Pinterest from the following blog...

Or this idea also from Pinterest...
And I love this one for a hallway... the notice board is a great idea too! Found via Pinterest from...
There are lots more great storage and organising ideas on my Pinterest Board...